1.2.4: Enabling provision for modular approach

Enabling provision for modular approach

Provision for modular approach for flexible exit to the learners

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The BAOU has designed all the programmes keeping in conformity with the modular approach. The curriculum of all the programmes  is divided into appropriate modules/blocks which are further divided into units. The categorization of curriculum thus enables the learners to grasp the concepts and understand it in a better way. The programme outcomes stated in the material find successful completion as learners approach the pedagogy on the basis of modules prescribed for them by competent and experienced faculties.

The University has adopted a modular approach in many of its programmes with the objective of allowing lateral entry and flexible exit.  Each course is allocated a certain credit weightage as specified in the UGC (ODL) Regulations, 2017. 

As per the University policy, programmes in modular approach are designed depending on the need, and have flexibility in the combination of courses as well as methods and pace of learning, with adequate provision for course-wise registration for various programmes. It is independent, self contained instruction with clearly defined objectives and assessments. A learner enrolled in a degree programme can exit the programme at designated points and obtain a certificate or diploma, depending on the number of credits completed. Each course is allocated a certain credit weightage. Alternately depending on the number of credits earned, a learner with Certificate level can complete a Diploma and a Degree. One credit is equivalent to 30 study hours. The courses offered by the University are either of 2 credits, 4 credits, 6 credits or 8 credits. A certain number of courses comprise a programme, which is also described in terms of credits depending upon its level and duration.  

Programmes have provision for course wise registration. This provision has been very beneficial to the learners. The Scheme of lateral entry and flexible exit has been widely publicized. The mechanism on Modular Approach is approved by the statutory body and available on the University’s website for the stakeholders. A learner enrolled in a first year of programme can start with a diploma programme, after successfully completing second year he/she can earn an Advanced Diploma and after successfully completing all the courses of programme he/she can earn bachelor degree depending on the number of credits completed.

Similarly in the Master Degree programme a learner enrolled in a first year of programme can earn Post Graduate Diploma, after successfully completing second year he/she can earn Master degree depending on the number of credits completed.

In the Post Graduate Diploma programme a learner enrolled in a first semester of programme can earn Post Graduate Certificate, after successfully completing second semester he/she can earn Post Graduate Diploma degree depending on the number of credits completed.

In the Diploma programme a learner enrolled in a first semester of programme can earn Certificate, after successfully completing second semester he/she can earn Diploma depending on the number of credits completed.

The details of one such programme is given below:

  1. Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)

  • Diploma in Computer Application (DCA)

  • Advance Diploma in Computer Application (ADCA) 

  1. Bachelor of Computer Application - Multimedia (BCA-MUL)

  • Diploma in Computer Application - Multimedia (DCA - MUL)

  • Advance Diploma in Computer Application  - Multimedia (ADCA - MUL)

  1. Bachelor of Business Administrator (BBA)

  • Diploma in Business Administrator (DBA)

  • Advance Diploma in Business Administrator (ADBA) 

  1. Bachelor of Business Administrator - Hotel and Tourism (BBAHT)

  • Diploma in Business Administrator - Hotel and Tourism (DBAHT)

  • Advance Diploma in Business Administrator - Hotel and Tourism (ADBAHT)

  1. Bachelor of Business Administrator - Air Travel (BBAAT)

  • Diploma in Business Administrator - Air Travel (DBAAT)

  • Advance Diploma in Business Administrator - Air Travel (ADBAAT)

  1. Post Graduate Diploma in Mobile Application Development (PGDMAD)

  • Post Graduate Certificate in Mobile Application Development (PGCMAD)

  1. Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security (PGDCS)

  • Post Graduate Certificate in Mobile Application Development (PGCCS)

  1. Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber Law (PGDCL)

  • Post Graduate Certificate in Cyber Law (PGCCL)

  1. Diploma in Fashion Designing (DFD)

  • Certificate in Fashion Designing (CFD)

  1. Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (DJMC)

  • Certificate in Journalism and Mass Communication (CJMC)

Similarly, the University has also set up mechanisms for lateral entry in different programmes by Credit Transfer System and direct entry or lateral entry to second year.  

The details of programme where admission is given through Credit Transfer System:

        All the programmes of the University

The details of programme where admission is given through Lateral Entry System:

  1. Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)

  2. Bachelor of Computer Application - Multimedia (BCA-MUL)

  3. Bachelor of Science - Information Technology (BSCIT)

  4. Master of Science - Information Technology (MSCIT)

  5. Master of Science - Cyber Security (MSCCS)

  6. Bachelor of Business Administrator (BBA)

  7. Bachelor of Business Administrator - Hotel and Tourism (BBAHT)

  8. Bachelor of Business Administrator - Air Travel (BBAAT)

  9. Master of Social Work (MSW)

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The list of Programmes having modular approach with flexible exit options for the learners

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