7.2.1: Best Practices

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Best Practices

 Two best practices each under A, B and C given below implemented successfully by the Institution

 Write description in maximum of 1000 words (each under A, B and C)


 A. Responsiveness towards learners

§   The institution has a dedicated online / offline helpdesk / toll free no.

 Service Standards of the university are 1. Treat every student with respect and courtesy 2. Be responsive to students’ requests or queries in the shortest possible time 3. Be clear and helpful in dealing with students 4. Deal with students’ complaints quickly in a honest and lawful manner 5. Answer student’s queries promptly and identify what students’ expect from us.

  1.        Automated interactive voice response system

2.        Call centre

3.        Online Help Desk

4.        Social media

5.        App based support

6.        Chat Box

7.        E-mail Support

8.        Interactive radio counselling

9.        Teleconferencing

10.    Web-conferencing

11.    Student Services Centre/ Inquiry Counter

12.    Postal communication

 To accomplish all of the above service standards,

1.    Automated interactive voice response system: University has setup automated interactive voice response system through which students are being directed to specific department so that he may address the query to the respective department.

2.    Call Centre: The University has established online call center to provide in-time response to the learners, any student can call on toll free no. – 1800 233 1020 to get the details of his desired query. 

3.    Online Help Desk: The University has established dedicated online and offline helpdesk for the learners, for which university has indigenously developed web portal “Eklavya – Student Support Portal” addressing the learners’ query and providing all the required information for the learner. Since inception of the operations from the present location, university has setup Ask Me – Kiosk at all its departments. An ASK-ME kiosk is a student friendly initiative by the university, an internet enabled digital touch screen device displaying detailed information about the university free of cost. Visitors and guests are made aware about the university, courses it offers, study center locations, etc.

4.    Social Media: University has made its significant presence on renowned social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram and Whatsapp. University’s general notification to the learners and all the stakeholders are posted on to these social media platforms. All the major pre-admission counseling sessions, academic counseling sessions are being broadcasted through Facebook and YouTube.

5.    App based support: University has developed and hosted Mobile Applications to provide all the necessary information to the learners and other stakeholders on his/her figure tip.

6.    Chat Box: The website of the university is equipped with the chat box where in learner can ask his/her queries which is answered by the automated system.

7.    E-mail Support: University has setup department specific email-ids and published on to the helpdesk/contact section of the university website. Learners can write to these email ids to get the resolution of any of his queries. The officer in-charge of the concern department replies to the learners’ query. 

8.    Interactive radio counselling: University has setup web based radio called Swadhyay Radio, where learners can listen to various informative sessions of his/her choice at anytime, anywhere. However, the live broadcast through Interactive Radio Counseling is provided on radio by invited experts from Chaitanya studio. Learners can ask questions right from their locations through telephone, email and through chat mode. www.baou.edu.in/swadhyay.radio

9.    Teleconferencing: University uses all the kinds of IT tools to reach out to its learners. When there is less possibility to connect to the learners due to unavailability of the internet connectivity at learners’ side to provide learner centric counselling services and other related information university uses teleconference facility. Hence, university has subscribed to conference bridge services. It is a simple way to connect people all in one call. It allows a group of selected people to participate in a single phone call that connects them virtually. The bridge is simply a term we use when referring to the equipment or software that links people together.

10.  Web-conferencing: University provides internet based Webinars/Web conferencing services to learners in all the programmes to enhance the learning experience of the learners through Google Meet, Zoom Meeting, Zoom Webinars Webex Meeting, Webex Events and Microsoft Teams.

11. Student Services Centre/ Inquiry Counter: University has setup dedicated Student Service Centre/Inquiry Centre at University Headquarters and Regional Centres which is being managed by Learner Support Service Division (LSSD) of the university for online and offline resolution of learners’ problems communicated in person or through email, phone and letters, etc. University has also setup a Call Centre at Headquarters. For resolution of any of the query learners can contact Inquiry Counter at the main building or Student Services Centre building.

 Ask Me (Kiosk):an ASK-ME kiosk is an internet enabled digital touch screen  

  device displaying detailed information about the university free of cost. The

     learner has to simply enter his/her enrolment number and date of birth and 
     he/she can retrieve all the information related to his/her courses, current
     progress, admission status, results, grade cards, examination schedules and
     other information.

This device is installed at every public places i.e. Student Support Centre, Examination Department, libraries etc. the device helps the students to get all the information without any hassle.

Student Information Desk: All the Regional Centres are equipped with student information desk to get all the required information on a spontaneous manner.

University computer centre sends SMS alerts regarding induction programmes, counselling sessions, re-registration, registration for Laboratory courses, registration for examination and all the relevant alerts for the students etc.

12. Postal communication: All the physical communication to the learners are being done through Registered A.D. / Speed Post only to ensure timely and assured delivery of the learners’ documents like mark sheet, degree certificate, migration certificate and any other required documents.

 The university is very much sensitive and responsive towards learners and it is reflected in the practices of Pre-admission counselling, conducting Induction Programmes, distribution of print self-learning material and online SLMs through eResources section on the university website, use of social media like Facebook @BAOUGujarat, Twitter @BAOUGujarat, Instagram @BAOUGujarat, Youtube @BAOUGujarat, Telegram @BAOUGujarat etc., providing academic counselling supplemented with audio-video programmes at LSCs, broadcasting video programmes, teleconferencing, webcasting, etc, allowing easy change of courses, language, Study Centre, Regional Centre, etc., Examination Centres;

   §   Grievance redressal mechanism is in place

University has indigenously developed a web based solution, Grievance Redressal Management System to reduce response turnaround time to student grievances. The Student Support Section replies the queries and redresses student grievances that are received either in person or via regular post, e-mails/SMS, WhatsApp, telephone calls and online portals. Recently the all the student grievances have been linked to Grievance Redressal Management System of the university to redress their grievances more transparently and efficiently. Students are advised to submit their query/ grievance on the Grievance Portal at http://digital.baou.edu.in/grievance.

 The Student Support Section, categorizes the grievances and forwards queries and grievances to respective section heads, and takes follow up with concerned division/unit/cell/regional centre and monitors information and notification alerts on Grievance Portal on regular basis. From July 2020 the University has addressed a total of 5243 student grievances received through several portals and resolved.

 The Right to Information Act, 2005, implemented by BAOU, provides yet another way of the resolution of information-based grievances of all stake holders. All faculty members, officials and staff of the university at HQs, RCs have been assigned the responsibility of time bound resolution of learner grievances and problems.

 The facilities of re-evaluation of answer books, getting photocopies of evaluated answer books through RTI and early declaration of results, exam on demand are also provided by the University.

 §   Institutional system of learner feedback is in place:

Learners’ feedback is a part of the university’s self-assessment and the education quality assurance system. The learners’ feedback system at the university takes into account the different phases of the studies and the different feedback levels, from individual courses to the state-wide surveys through Learner Support Centres.

The University has a unique Learners Feedback System to reach out to the learners and institutionalise a feedback mechanism. This serves as an additional and more personalised channel of feedback besides the conventional mode of feedback mechanism.

The feedback is utilised systematically in the management of counselling activities, decision making and the development of learning materials. The most essential parts of the feedback process include communication about the results and the subsequent measures as well as the monitoring and evaluation of their impacts. The Centre for Internal Quality Assurance and the Schools of Study processes the results of student feedback every term as well as annually. 

Structured feedback has been designed for review of curriculum/syllabus and other relevant matters every term/year from all the stakeholders viz.  Learners, Teachers and other Academics, Academic Counsellors, Subject Experts, Employers and Alumni

 University has setup predefined mechanism for analyzing the feedback obtained from stakeholders on curriculum/syllabus and other relevant matters. Further feedback collected, analyzed and action taken on feedback and such documents are made available on the institutional website.

 University is also setup a feedback section under computer department and an email id feedback@baou.edu.in where in learners or any of the stakeholders can send their representation pertaining to different departments of the university, computer department forward that representation to the concern department for the required action to be taken.  

 §   Any other

 B. Accountability

§   Meetings of all the statutory bodies are held as per statutory provisions

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University functions under the authorities of different Regulatory and Statutory Committees in accordance with the provisions of its Act, Statues, Ordinance and Regulations. Regulatory body namely the Board of Management (BoM), Statutory Body namely Academic Planning Board (APB), Finance Committee (FC). The administration section organizes meetings of BoM and its standing committees, such as the Building and Works Committee, Purchase Committee, Publication Committee, Learner Support Service Committee, Examination Committee, Information Technology Committee, CIQA etc. The composition of the statutory bodies comprises members from government departments, external and internal members to ensure participatory decision making. 

The Vice-Chancellor is the chief executive of the academic and administration functions of the University. As the chief executive, the Vice-Chancellor ensures that the University functions in accordance with the provisions of its Act, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations. The day-to-day academic and administrative activities are guided by the Statutes of the University. All the meetings are held regularly to ensure accountability in administration of the University, and to ensure that the University functions strictly as per the Statutes. The Hon’ble Chancellor, H.E. the Governor’s Office is kept updated about all the meetings of the Board of Management. Regular reports containing documentary and photo-evidences are sent to Government. It helps in continuous monitoring of accountability on part of University. Similarly, the State Government is also informed about this functioning as per the provisions of the Statutes. Representatives of the State Govt. attend various meetings of the University (Board of Management, Finance Committee, Building and Works Committee etc).

§   Auditing and budgeting is carried out as per rules

In the University all the accounting functions are online; hence, the accounting practices are also easier and automated. The system of internal check and internal auditing is in place. Proper budgeting is done as per the rules and provisions of the State Government, in this regard. Further, the modern budgeting for educational institutions also supplements the stipulated budgeting. The University has appointed a CA firm to carry out its annual auditing. The audit reports are placed in the meetings of the Executive Council and deliberated upon. Further, the audit objections are noted and resolved through follow-up actions.

§   Allprocurement is done as per the defined process

The procurement process of the University is as per the Financial Handbook of the State. The University has a purchase committee which meets regularly and the procurements are made through the GEM portal. A GEM Bid Tender Committee has also been constituted for the purpose of procurement which consists of Finance Officer, Registrar, Directors of Schools of Study, Director (Academic), Director (Student Support).The system of procurement is very transparent and bound by rules of the Government. Tendering process is also carried on through e-tendering to ensure transparency and accountability. The University also has a Purchase Manual which sets the guidelines for the purchase and procurement of materials required. All the purchases and procurements are routed through the office of the Finance Officer for ensuring accountability. The procurements are reflected in the annual expenditure statements of the University which is subjected to scrutiny by qualified auditors appointed by the Board of Management. Audit reports are discussed and approved by the Statutory Authorities of the University. Approved audit reports are included in the Annual Reports of the University which are made available for the stakeholders and public through the University’s website. Moreover, all financial transactions of the University are subjected to government audit at regular interval.

§   Academic calendar is being followed strictly

In every academic year, in the meeting of the Admission Committee, the Academic Calendar for the concerned academic session is proposed. Later, it is discussed in the other statutory bodies of the University and approved. This Academic Calendar is made public through website and prospectus and it is circulated through e-mail amongst all the stake-holders. Later, throughout the academic session it is followed in letter and spirit, thereby, ensuring academic accountability of the University.

§   Any other


C. Transparency

§   Proper sharing of information with the concerned stakeholders

According to the core values of the university, we believe in working transparently with all stakeholders. Hence, the University confirms proper sharing of information with all stakeholders. The website of the University serves as the single point information repository of all the relevant information. Information pertaining to all aspects of University functioning is shared with the concerned stakeholders.

a.       The constitution of of all regulatory bodies and statutory bodies are completed as per the act and statues of the University and all the decisions of these bodies are made available on the university website.

b.      All the information related to different Programmes and Learner Support Services (LSS) is shared with learners, faculties, academic counsellors, Regional Centred and LSC functionaries, etc.

c.       Recruitment: The teaching and other academic positions are advertised state wide as per UGC and State Government norms, with clearly spelt out eligibility criteria and screening procedure. The non-academic positions are also advertised in the state wide newspapers and displayed on the university websites as per the state government rules adopted by the University.

d.      Annual Report is approved by the Board of Management and forwarded to Education Department, Government of Gujarat for its scrutiny and approval.

e.       Financial Transparency: The University has a transparent financial policy to ensure judicious spending of its financial resources and follows established procedures and financial codes as laid down in the General Financial Rules.

f.       Procurement and purchase as per government procedure and documents are shared with all concerned through Government e-Marketplace- GEM.

g.      Outsourcing of services and empanelment of service providers for printing, supply of library books, supply of work force for security, maintenance of facilities, housekeeping, horticulture, contractual work at Group C and D level, etc. is done through well publicized procedures.

h.      Campus Development: Construction and maintenance work in the University is carried out through online open tendering processes and financial codes shared publicly.

i.        Audit: Internal and external audits accounts are conducted annually. External audit is done by the Director General (Audit) Central Expenditure (DGACE). Audit observations are shared with all concerned for compliance. The Audit Report of the CAG of India is submitted to the Finance Committee and the BOM of the University and subsequently to the MHRD for being placed before the Parliament.

j.        Financial Management System: The University has effectively introduced online receipts and payment system ensuring transparency and has graduated to Public Financial Management system for direct benefit transfer, fund flow management and financial reporting, which is shared with all.

k.      Rules for Disciplinary Procedures: University has adopted CCA/CCS rule.

l.        Right to Information: The University has instituted PIOs in its Schools/Divisions/Centres/Units/Regional Centres, etc. to provide information under the RTI, Act.

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