5.1.4: Dispatch of Study Material to Learners

Dispatch of Study Material to Learners

Strategy followed by the Institution for dispatch of study material to learners

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The dispatch of Self-Learning Material to learners has always been a crucial issue in the ODL system hence the university follows different strategies for this purpose. Specifically for the material distribution, it has been the experience that a single strategy does not work for the purpose so a mix of different strategies is followed to ensure the timely delivery of Self-Learning Material to the learners located in different locations.


Initially the university used to deliver the Self-Learning Material of learners registered at different learner support centres directly at the specific Centre through hired vehicles. Later during the last two years, the university took the services of reputed courier agencies to provide the doorstep delivery of the material at the learner’s registered address at all the parts of the state of Gujarat. Later some problems were encountered in the delivery of SLM as many recipients failed to receive the material on time due to the unavailability of the network of the courier agencies in remote locations. Hence, university started delivering the SLM through Postal Services in the remote location where the network of courier service is not available but the problem remained persistent as the recipients failed to receive the material on time or non-receipt of material.


Hence the university had to revise the strategy again. Presently the University follows a single mode of delivery of SLM i.e. collect the material from Regional Centre/Registered Learner Support Centre whichever is convenient to the Learner. University transports the material to its Regional Centres and Learner Support Centres and learners may collect it from the nearest location. Apart from the above, if a learner finds it convenient to collect the SLM from the University’s head-quarter is also permitted to get the material issued from the Material Production and Distribution Division at the university. 


Presently, the entire system of issue of SLM is automated, and the issue is followed by a SMS alert to the learner so that the learners get updated that the material has been dispatched by the University and he/she can track it on his/her own. A web application for MPDD (Material Production and Distribution Division) is also developed in-house by the computer department of the university. The objective is to automate the process is of MPDD (URL: https://online.baou.edu.in). The system incorporates modules for management of inventory of SLM (Self-Learning Material), issuing of SLM and reporting etc. The inventory of the Self-Learning Material and other related information is being managed by Tally ERP.


  • In addition to the above if a learner still fails to receive the material and lodges a complaint with the University, the University, notwithstanding the fact that the material has already been issued, issues a fresh set of SILM. Though, such a practice is only in special cases.


During the period of natural disasters when the learners lose their material in substantial quantities, the University extends its helping hand by re-issue of SLM (free of cost) to the learners of such affected areas

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