2.5.2: Examination related Grievances
2.5.2 Examination Related Grievances
Mechanism of the Institution to deal with examination related grievances in a transparent manner
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The BAOU is committed to providing a safe, fair and harmonious learning and work environment. Grievance Redressal Cell in the University is in accordance with the University Grants Commission Regulations 2012 (The Gazette of India, March 23-29, 2013) for handling day-to-day Examination grievances from Learners, parents and staff members.
A high-level committee to deal with examination related grievances is constituted by the University. It is led by the principles of natural justice while redressing the grievances. The Examination Committee comprises a senior faculty as Chair of the committee, Member of Board of Management and other teaching and non-teaching staff as members.
University’s decision or information after resolving the grievances is conveyed to the learners in a time bound manner.
If a learner has any grievances related to evaluation of university answer books. They are intimated to the subject handling faculty and head of the department if necessary. The revaluation is applied for answer books, in which the re-evaluated marks can be obtained during the announcement of revaluation results of the same semester.
In order to maintain transparency in the case of dissatisfaction, learners can apply for rechecking/reassessment. All the sections maintain the records of the grievances received and redressed so that even if the learner registers multiple grievances on the same issue, the Section ensures that the learner is responded for each grievance and if any particular aspect is not fully addressed, the same will be addressed to the full satisfaction of the learner.
Before Examination: Grievances of learners before the examination are resolved at the earliest.
During Examination: Committee at University takes cognizance and resolves any grievances regarding question papers of any subject regarding questions asked out of syllabus, typographic errors, etc. Controller of Examination, instantly gives them correct question papers. Roll lists are also corrected at the same time in consultation with the University.
After Result Declaration: After declaration of result by the university, if any learner has an objection with result, he/she can send an application to university for rechecking or reassessment of marks, etc. options are provided for the learners to exercise. Learners can ask for the photocopy of the assessed answer book from the University through RTI.
In case of any unfair means by the learners during the exam, they are given an opportunity for any clarification they want to give before the exam disciplinary committee before making a decision regarding unfair means by the student. The decision of the committee is informed to the learner in writing.
The learner can send their query at any time on a dedicated email address exam.query@baou.edu.in.
BAOU has a separate Student Grievance Redressal and Management System, an automated IT solution that is integrated, centralized and web-based for the learners. Nodal persons are identified at each RC/School/Division/Centre/ Unit, thereby establishing/strengthening linkages in the Grievance Redressal Network of the University.
Each RC/School/Division/Centre/Unit has a CPIO for responding to the RTI Queries.
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