7.1.12: Transparency in functioning
Transparency in functioning
Efforts of the Institution towards maintenance of complete transparency in its financial, academic, administrative and auxiliary functions within maximum of 500 words
Write description in maximum of 500 words
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Open University (BAOU) was established by the Act No.14 of 1994 passed in the
Gujarat State Legislative Assembly. It must be emphasized that Dr. Babasaheb
Ambedkar Open University is a public University and is governed by the rules,
policies and procedures as laid down in the Act, Statues and Ordinances of the
University. Further, order, G.Os, and instructions of the State Government, Ministry
of Education, Central Government, UGC (DEB), and other regulatory authorities
are strictly followed. Thus, anyone can access these documents and verify the
actual functioning. The university maintains complete transparency in its
financial, academic, administrative and auxiliary functions.
In order to provide
autonomy and stability to the democratic form, the University is committed to
keep all its departments and their entire processes directly transparent. All the
departments of the University, like academic, administration, finance, estate,
examination, material-distribution, storage and purchase etc., are following
predefined mechanism transparently in all their functions and procedures.
§ Board of Management (BOM), comprises representatives from State Government, Members nominated by Hon’ble Governor of Gujarat, Expert from other Open University, Academic representative, Directors etc. The minutes of the BOM are uploaded on the university website.
The Academic Planning Board of
the University is the principal academic and planning body of the university.
It is responsible for the maintenance of standards of learning, education,
instruction evaluation and examination within the University and shall also be
responsible for the monitoring of the developments of the University and shall
exercise such powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be
conferred or imposed upon it by the statutes.
The Annual Report is jointly prepared
by Administration Department and Finance Department which is further approved
by BOM and send to State Government.
The budget of the university is
discussed in the Finance Committee, which is approved by BOM and the income and
expenditure is published in the Annual Report.
Building and Works
Committee: The Committee looks after both Original Works and Repairs &
Maintenance of the University buildings and Campus. The details of functions,
responsibilities of the Committee and other related matters shall be prescribed
by Regulation to be framed by the Board of Management on the basis of
recommendations of the first meeting of the Building and Works Committee.
IT Committee
functions to take the decisions regarding various requirements of the
University's Information Technology Enabled Student Centric Services also to
provide guidance on various procurement of IT Infrastructure as well as to
operate the various projects related to Information Technology (IT) and
Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) of the University in a very
transparent manner.
Purchase Committee:
it manages the task of purchase of items, services for the University and
annual maintenance contracts of all the equipment procured. The Purchases are made as per rules and regulations of State Government and
all financial transactions are externally audited annually by the CAG. An
internal audit is also done annually for all the units of the University.
Curriculum Design, development
and delivery of programmes is comprehended and approved by concerned School Academic
Council, and Academic Planning Board. The minutes of these bodies are uploaded
Admission policies are
decided in the meetings of the Admission Committee. Finally, before the start
of admissions, it is published in the form of ‘prospectus’ (available online
and offline). Rules, policies and academic calendar are adhered to in actual
practices resulting in complete transparency in admission policy.
SC/ST Cell monitors
the implementation of the reservation policy of the Government of Gujarat and
facilitates welfare activities of learners.
Examination related matters are
decided in the Examination Committee meeting. Examination Committee consist of
Members of Board of Management, Experts from other ODL University, Faculties of
the university etc. The ordinance of Conduct of Examination and Evaluation of
the Student Performance is strictly followed for the examination process. The
amendment in the ordinance or required changes in the rules for conduction of
examination are done by the examination committee, the minutes of meeting of
examination committee is approved by Academic Planning Board.
The University has brought in
more transparency through a Digitization of functions of all the departments.
The University through it
websites and newspapers make available all information related to the learners,
employees and other stakeholders, like notifications, recruitment, admissions,
entrance test, etc. The applications for appointments are sought online.
The university has developed
system for the students “Eklavya – Student Support Portal” which is available
of university website which helps the learners to track their registration,
study material dispatch, library, hall-ticket, exam schedules, results, grade
card status, download section for assignments, e-resources etc. The learners
can have access to evaluated answer script on payment of a fee.
BAOU has separate Student Grievance
Redressal and Management System, an automated IT solution is an integrated, centralized
and web-based for the learners. Nodal persons are identified at each RC/School/Division/Centre/
Unit, thereby establishing/strengthening linkages in the Grievance Redressal Network
of the University. Each RC/School/Division/Centre/Unit has a CPIO for
responding to the RTI Queries.
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