4.1.1: Facilities at Institution Headquarters, Regional Centres and Learner Support Centres
Facilities available at Institution Headquarters and Regional Centres
Infrastructural facilities viz., academic units, administrative units, storage and dispatch units, library, Laboratories, Multimedia Laboratories, Seminar Rooms, Auditorium, warehouses, Media Production, Print Production, etc.
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Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University operates through three tier structure. Headquarters, Regional Centres and Learner Support Centres
Headquarters: As per Section 3 of the Act of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University; The headquarters of the University shall be at Ahmedabad, and the University may establish, maintain or recognise institutes, schools, regional centres and study centres at such other places in the State as it may deem fit.
Regional Centres: Regional Centre means a centre established or maintained by the University for the purpose of co-ordinating and supervising the work of study centres in any region and for performing such other functions as may be conferred on such centres by the Board of Management.
Study Centres (Learner Support Centres): It means a centre established, maintained or recognised by the University for the purpose of advising, counselling, evaluating or for rendering any other assistance required by the students;
The University headquarters spread over 20 acres of land with the total built up area of XX acres. The buildings at headquarters consist of different Administrative and Academic Blocks.
There is a Vice Chancellor’s Office Block which has the offices of the Vice Chancellor (VC). It has a separate conference room and a board room for holding meetings; rooms for other academic and administrative staff; visitors’ lounge; pantries and common washrooms on each floor. All the rooms are provided with Computers, LAN Connectivity, Internet/Intranet facility, Printer, Intercom facility and all the other required office equipment. The entire block is covered under CCTV cameras.
The campus consist of 04 School of Studies, 18 Departments, 10 Divisions and 10 Centres, they are as given below
School of Studies (04):
School of Humanities and Social Science,
School of Computer Science,
School of Commerce and Management and
School of Education, Distance Education and Educational Technology,
Departments (15):
Gujarati Department,
English Department,
Hindi Department,
Sanskrit Department,
Economics Department,
Political Science Department,
Public Administration Department,
History Department,
Sociology Department,
Library and Information Science Department
Social Work Department,
Computer Science and Information Technology Department,
Commerce Department,
Management Department
Education Department
Special Education Department
Divisions (10):
Administration Division (AD)
Store and Purchase Division (SPD)
Estate, Construction and Maintenance Division (ECMD)
Finance and Accounts Division (FAD)
Academic Co-ordination Division (ACD)
Material Production & Distribution Division (MPDD)
Library and Documentation Division (LDD)
Learner Support Service Division (LSSD)
Student Admission and Registration Division (SARD)
Learners' Scholarship Division (LSD)
Centres (10):
Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA)
Centre for Electronic Media Production (CEMP) - Chaitanya Studio
Centre for Examination and Evaluation (CEE) - Examination Section
Centre for Electronic Data Processing (CEDP) - Computer Department
Centre for Innovation, Start-up and Entrepreneurship (CISE) - Dronacharya
Centre for Holistic Development of Women (CHDW) - Gargi
Centre for Research and Development (CRD) - Research Division
Centre for Equal Opportunities and Inclusive Education (COEIE) - Atri
Centre for Online Education (COE) - Online Education
Centre for Skill Development and Vocational Training (CSDVT) - Skill Division
The Schools have facilities for the office of the Director, Rooms for faculties and Seminar/Conference rooms. All the rooms are provided with Computers, LAN Connectivity, Internet, Computer Printer and Intercom facility. All the other required office equipment is also provided.
University also have facilities like Data Centre, Computer Laboratories, Language Lab, Video/Audio Recording Studio, Convention Centre (Auditorium), Seminar Halls, Board rooms, Classrooms, Material Storage and Distribution Buildings, Electronic Media Production Block, Computer Department Building, Central Library Block, Examination and Evaluation Building, Canteen/Mess, Post Office, Vice Chancellor Bungalow, Guesthouse.
Data Centre: University has established a high end data centre with the latest Web Servers, Data Servers, Internet Server, Application Server for hosting all the web applications like Eklavya – Student Life Cycle, Learner Support Services Portal, Learner Grievance Portal, Examination and Result Portal, Teaching & Non-teaching Recruitment Portal, Human Resource Management System, Library’s SOUL Software, OPAC, DSpace, Institutional Repository and other related applications many more. All the servers and desktops of the BAOU run only on licensed operating systems and licenced applications, utility and antivirus software with automatic up-gradation. To protect the various applications, data and IT infrastructure of the university from unauthorized access and other breaches university is using Unified Threat Management System and Hardware and Software Firewall. The University has 2.14 Gbps bandwidth connectivity at Headquarters and
1.35 Gbps at its RCs.
The Computer Division and COE also have two ‘Data Centres’ hosting major online applications and
services of the University. The University has 2.14 Gbps bandwidth connectivity at Headquarters and
1.35 Gbps at its RCs.
Computer Laboratories: University has Four (04) Computer Laboratories to facilitate various services to the Learners.
Computer Lab – 01: This laboratory houses at School of Computer Science building. It consist of 66 high-end HP Brand desktop computers with configuration of Intel Core i7 6th Generation Processor, 2 TB HDD, 8 GB RAM, 21” LED Screen. It consist of 55” Interactive Display Panel to provide live and interactive session to the learners.
Computer Lab – 02: This laboratory houses at Gurukul Learner Support Centre building. It consist of 25 high-end HP Brand desktop computers with configuration of Intel Core i5 6th Generation Processor, 1 TB HDD, 4 GB RAM, 21” LED Screen.
Computer Lab – 03: This laboratory houses at Vivekanand Library building. It consist of 10 high-end HP Brand desktop computers with configuration of Intel Core i5 6th Generation Processor, 1 TB HDD, 4 GB RAM, 21” LED Screen.
Computer Lab – 04: This laboratory houses at Centre for Examination and Evaluation (Examination Department) Building. It consist of 10 high-end HP Brand desktop computers with configuration of Intel Core i5 6th Generation Processor, 1 TB HDD, 4 GB RAM, 21” LED Screen. This lab is mainly used for the examination and result related processing.
Language Laboratory: The Computer Lab – 03 is further used as language laboratory. This lab consists of software for the language lab and all the latest hardware equipment for the same.
Computing Facility: Dedicated Laptop/workstation has been provided to all teaching and some of non-teaching staff to ensure their exclusive work environment. The entire physical infrastructure and buildings at headquarters are well equipped with modern ICT infrastructure and uninterrupted internet connectivity of 01 Gbps through both wired and wireless (Wi-Fi) Medium.
Chaitanya Studio: There is state-of-the-art Centre for Electronic Media Production (CEMP) with high-end electronic equipment for production of audio/video programmes and transmission facilities through Radio and TV. Dedicated Educational Channels, Vande Gujarat, Web Radio, Swadhyay TV and Swadhyay Radio are transmitted by CEMP – Chaitanya Studio. The MOOCs for various programmes and courses are developed in the “Chaitanya Studio”.
For Online programmes, the Centre for Online Education (COE) has one multimedia lab for developing multimedia e-content (audio, video, animations, graphics etc.) and Swadhyay TV/Swadhyay Radio and SWAYAM/SWAYAMPRABHA content. COE also has an IT equipped seminar hall cum computer lab with seating capacity of 70 persons.
CCTV Surveillance System: For the safety and security of the People, Building and other Infrastructure, the entire campus is covered under high-end CCTV surveillance system. Which consist of Outdoor 2MP IP Camera, 30 Mtr IR, Network Video Recorder (NVR) with 64 Channel Capacity with 6 TB Storage Video Storage Capacity, 40” Display Monitor etc.
Library: The University has a fully automated Central Library, well-equipped with books, journals, reports, theses, BAOU archives, other study material and e-resources in diverse disciplines with remote login facility to authorized users. It has designated reading areas for research scholars and other learners as well as visiting faculties. The office of the Librarian and other staff is equipped with furniture and office equipment.
In keeping with the present requirements, the University has institutionalized “SOUL - The Library and Information Management System''. Furthermore, the university has set up and hosted indigenously customized Institutional Repository “Gyan Sampada” through DSpace on Cloud for seamless accessibility from anywhere, any time to all the stakeholders. The University has acquired the institutional membership of the DELNET, e-Shodhsindhu and Shodhganga. The University also provides various library facilities like reference services, news clipping services, current awareness services, selective dissemination services and Public Access Catalogue to its learners and other stakeholders through Web OPAC. All rooms in Library Block have WiFi connectivity, computers and peripherals.
Kashyap Auditorium (Convention Centre): University has multipurpose auditorium with the seating capacity of 810 participants with a huge stage, multipurpose lighting facility, high-end multimedia & sound facility, two green rooms with attached washrooms, Audio-Video & Light Control room, Foyer with registration desk, Display area, a VIP lounge; office rooms and common washrooms.
Guesthouse: The Guest House is having 24 AC Double rooms, Two Dining Halls, Reception area.
Amenities for Differently Abled Learners: University is running Centre for Equal Opportunities and Inclusive Education (COEIE) – Atri, hence it is committed to provide learning opportunities to all the kinds of people. The university has a social responsibility and perception that differently abled students should be respected and treated as a normal human being. Hence it has setup all the required facilities for the differently abled people, they are Wheel Chair, Lifts, Ramps, Rails, Rest Rooms, Scribes, Braille sign boards, Braille Software/facilities, Audio books, Sign language facilities, Accessible website, Accessible study material etc.
Warehouses: University has two warehouses of area XXX square meter for stocking the printed study material.
Bank: To handle the huge financial transactions, the University has a dedicated Bank branch at its Headquarters and dedicated accounts for all its RCs.
Post Office: The Headquarters also have a dedicated Post office to handle the dispatch of 2.5 crore blocks to its learners annually.
Urja Ghar: The University has an Electric Power sub-station having 66 Grid-station to feed University and surrounding locality.
The beautiful campus with green and energy efficient building structure is full of calm and quiet making it ideal for studies. With enough parking spaces for Faculty, Staff and Visitors’ vehicles. Further, walkway to various departments makes it more users friendly.
Infrastructure Facilities at Regional Centres:
The regional centres located at Ahmedabad, Patan, Rajkot, Bhuj, Surat, Gohra, Bhavnagar, are fully operational and in coordination with the Headquarter for various activities. Over the last decade, extra-ordinary instructional and infrastructural facilities have been developed at the headquarters and regional centres of the university.
The Regional Centres (RCs) are well-equipped with ICT infrastructure and uninterrupted internet connectivity (ranging from 16 MBPS to 1 GBPS).
Infrastructure Facilities at Learner Support Centres (LSCs):
University strictly follows University Grants Commission (Open and Distance Learning) Regulations, 2017 and University Grants Commission (Open and Distance Learning Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2020 in all the aspects of establishment of LSCs at different locations of the state of Gujarat. LSCs are equipped with all the physical infrastructures viz. classrooms, smart classrooms, seminar rooms, library, computer laboratory etc. of the host institutes are to be shared by the LSCs.
LSCs established at identified HEIs through an MOU, are the first point of contact with the learners. The
minimum infrastructure of LSCs consists of:
1. Classrooms with requisite furniture;
2. 3-4 rooms dedicated for office work with covered area of minimum 400-600 sq. ft.
3. Laboratories; and
4. Library facilities.
The University pays for hiring of staff, maintenance of infrastructure and use of facilities.
For better administration, academic support and decentralization of work, all the LSCs have been distributed among the Regional Centres and Headquarters.
Regular academic counselling sessions, practical sessions, project work sessions are conducted at LSCs as per university rules. The activities of LSCs are routinely monitored by the Learner Support Service Division.
The learning resources are made available through digital repositories like eSLM Section, OMKAR, OMKARe, Swadhyay TV, Swadhyay Radio and BAOU-OER repository etc. The learners can also watch the live and recorded video programmes through the dedicated educational free-to-air channel of the university Vande Gujarat Channel No. 16
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