3.1.1: Policy for promotion of research
Policy for promotion of research
The Institution has a well-defined policy for promotion of systemic and discipline based research. Also, explain the assigned budget for research and its utilization, methods for implementation and monitoring.
(Write description in maximum of 500 words)
Research is a core element of higher education and its promotion reflects both in the Vision and Mission statements of the University. Research not only fulfills the basis of the fundamental concept of the “University” i.e. to contribute for the economic and social development of the region and nation but also has a role in determining the status and quality of the University.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University (BAOU) is committed to the pursuit of excellence in research and aims to achieve international recognition through interdepartmental and inter-institutional collaborative research programmes across the spectrum of Humanities and Social Sciences, Computer Science and Applications, Commerce and Management, Education as well as Vocational Professional. BAOU ensures that research in all fields that include trans and multidisciplinary types grow exponentially, keeping the ethical norms and research standards intact.
The objectives of the Research Policy of the University for establishing thriving research culture and environment in the University as follows:
a. Establishment of Research Facilities
b. Resource Mobilization for Research
c. Compliance of the Research Ethics
d. Dissemination of Research Work
e. Academic, Research & Industrial Collaboration
f. Outreach programs for Society & Industry
g. Incentives & Awards for Research Achievement
To achieve the above mentioned objectives, the Director – Centre for Research and Development (Research Division) along with the University Research Committee is responsible through various policies and plans.
University Research Promotion Fund (URPF): A University Research Promotion Fund (URPF) has been created to promote the research environment in the University. The general principle governing the allocation of all Research funding in the University is that it is an investment intended to maximize the range of research outcomes that the University expects to result from faculty members and students’ research work. The fund is e utilized for various research promotional activities and research scholarship on the recommendations of the University Research Committee (URC).
University Research Committee (URC): The purpose of University Research Committee is to enhance the long-term quality and quantity of research related activities by recognizing the key areas of research feasible with the available expertise in the University. The Committee’s scope encompasses faculty research, sponsored research, collaborative research and student research.
▪ The URC promotes and supports basic, innovative and applied research; inter-and multidisciplinary research; as well as production of scholarly and creative works. In compliance with the mission of the University, the Research Committee also supports the research specific to changing needs of the industry and society with interdisciplinary approach, and collaborations with the national and international centres of excellence.
▪ The URC recognizes the crucial importance of freedom of thought and expression in the pursuit of research excellence and the innovation of knowledge.
▪ It serves as an advocate for observance to high standards of research ethics, integrity and conduct.
Establishment of the Research Facilities: The University has established a Research Centre(s) on the recommendation of URC to raise the Research profile of the University. The focus strengths of the Research Centre are in areas of funding. Research Centre(s) help position and promote the University’s areas of Research excellence and build the University’s Research reputation. They also serve as vehicles for engaging with other Research institutions and industry and facilitate interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary relationships
Resource Mobilization for Research: To promote and excel research in the University, the URC recommend the allocation of research fund under following categories:
▪ "Seed Money" to Faculty member(s) for starting research work in the field of his/her specialization. The research work by faculty member(s) in such cases should lead to a project capable of getting funding from external funding agencies.
▪ For establishing centralized retrench facilities.
▪ To support Faculty members/students for attending the Conference/Workshop.
▪ Allocation of funds for Research Scholarship for PG and Ph.D. students.
▪ To conduct International/National Conferences/Workshops
Compliance of Research Ethics: University has formed a Research Ethics Committee, which ensures the good research practices in the University. Research Ethics Policy of the University is developed by URC incorporating points such as:
Basic research ethics ensure the academic honesty in the conduction and dissemination of the research work in the University by Faculty members and students.
▪ Compliance with Legislation, Guidelines and Codes such as legislation for CopyRight, Intellectual Property Right, Human Rights, Animal Protection and Environmental Protection for research. In addition to legislation, the guidelines and codes issued by the governing agencies such as University Grants Commission (UGC) are compiled by the University for Research Activities.
▪ Ethics for research involving Human Participation in research fields of Social Sciences, Law, Media Studies, Management and Medical should comply with the codes and practices issued by Government of India.
▪ Ethics for research involving Animals in the experimentation on animals should comply with the codes and practices issued by Government of India.
Research projects that involve human or animal subjects, including those undertaken as a part of a teaching programme, must be approved in advance by the competent committee/ authority.
In order to curb the menace of plagiarism, the University shalt develop a policy on plagiarism as per the guidelines issued by UGC (Promotion of academic integrity and prevention of plagiarism in higher education institutional regulations - 2017 issued on 14 September, 2017 and get it approved by the Academic Council for implementation in the University.
Dissemination of Research Work: Sharing outcome of the research work at right platforms is of prime importance as it maximizes transparency, accountability and scrutiny of research findings, publishing research papers in good journals and presenting research work in good conferences increases the impact and visibility of research. It also provides credit to the researcher and also increases the status of the University.
▪ The URC follows the Intellectual Property Policy of the State Government as per the IPR-law of Govt. of India. Faculty members and PG research students are required to comply with the University's Intellectual Property Policy.
▪ The faculty members have been made aware about publishing in peer reviewed indexed journals in the list of UGC approved journals. If the faculty member / research student does not have research funding then the expenditure towards the publication in the journal (UGC approved only) shall be supported by URPF on the recommendations of URC.
▪ The faculty members shall be encouraged to present their research work in the conferences organized by premium HEIs/Research Organizations/Societies. If the faculty member/ research student does not have research funding then the expenditure for presenting the research paper in conference shall be supported by URPF as per the rules defined by the University on the recommendations of URC.
Academic, Research & Industrial Collaboration: A Collaboration policy considering the academic, research and industrial collaboration to share the knowledge, practices, experimental facilities for the purpose of the growth of the University to create new knowledge and human resource has been developed by the University.
Outreach programs for Society & Industry: Various extension activities are required to be carried out by the University for working in the local, regional, national and global societies and contributing positively to community life.
Incentives & Awards for Research Achievement: Incentive and awards are motivators. In order to promote research activities, the University rewards the faculty members for their achievements in any field as mentioned below:
▪ Research Publication in SCOPUS/WoS/UGC indexed/approved journals: A letter of appreciation along with a cash reward based on the indexing and SCI impact factor may be awarded to the Faculty member publishing research paper from BAOU in SCOPUS/WoS/UGC indexed/approved journals.
For promoting scholarly publications, University has taken a decision to award Rs. 5000/- to the faculty on publication of Research Article/Paper in SCOPUS or CARE listed Journals by UGC.
▪ Research Project: Faculty members who submitted/granted research projects for funding by external funding agencies may be issued a letter of appreciation as well as teaching load may be adjusted to look after the research project. In case the awarded research project has overhead charges, a certain percentage of the overhead charges, as fixed by the University authorities, may be divided monthly for the period of the research project and credited to the faculty members with salary.
Special funding of Rs. 35,000/- is given for faculties to conduct Minor and Major Research Projects; and encouraging research in various fields. The University funds researches from its own fund, as it doesn’t get grant from either UGC or RUSA
▪ Organizing Conference: If a faculty member succeeds in getting partial or full funding from government bodies/agencies to organize conference/workshop, a letter of appreciation and an honorarium may be provided to the faculty member as fixed by the University authorities.
▪ Consultancy: If a faculty member gets a research consultancy, a letter of appreciation may be issued to faculty members. The additional duty leaves and profit sharing are followed as per the consultancy policy of the University.
▪ Patent: If a patent is granted to a faculty member, a letter of appreciation along with a suitable cash reward as fixed by University authorities may be awarded to the faculty member.
▪ Books/Chapters Publication: A letter of appreciation along with a cash award as fixed by the University authorities separately for the ‘Book Chapter’ and ‘Book’ published by a reputed publisher may be awarded to the faculty member.
▪ Citation: The importance of research work reflects in the number of citations received by a research paper. A letter of appreciation along with a cash award fixed by University authorities on the basis of number of citations may be awarded to the faculty members.
▪ Best Researcher Award: The University established a “Best Researcher Award”, at the University/Institute/Faculty/Department level and felicitated the faculty member(s) in every Academic Year for their research achievements in that academic year. The selection process is based on quantitative metrics and benchmarks set by University authorities. A cash reward as fixed by University authorities and a Certificate/Trophy may be awarded to the winner of this award.
▪ Training/FDP: It has been decided that all teaching staff will be motivated to carry out a FDP program from NPTEL/SWAYAM and examination fee will be refunded after producing a certificate of successful completion.
▪ Award/Fellowship: Faculty members receiving state/national/International award/fellowship for is being awarded suitably.
▪ Financial Support for attending Research/Educational/ODL Conference in India and Abroad: To encourage the faculty members and directors of the University to attend Research/Educational/ODL Conference in India and Abroad, a letter of appreciation along with a cash award fixed by University authorities may be awarded to the faculty members and directors.
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Minutes of the Governing Council/ Syndicate/ Board of Management/ Academic Council/ Research Council related to Research promotion policy adoption | |
Policy Document on promotion of research | |
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