7.3.1: Areas of distinctiveness

Areas of distinctiveness

 Institution’s performance in any 4 of the following areas distinctive to its vision, priority and thrust

 Write description in maximum of 250 words each

o   E-Governance

o   Globalized Content

o   Innovative Pedagogies

o   Technology enabled Learner Support

o   Penetration into Remote and Tribal Areas

o   Content in Regional languages

o   Enhancing Research and Innovation

o   Social Responsibility Endeavours

o   Secure Databases

o   Modern Infrastructure Facilities

o   Landscaping the Campus

o   National/ International Recognition

o   Any other (appropriate for ODL system)


Following are the major areas of distinctiveness on the part of the University.


All the major functions of the University are managed through online

E-Governance in Administration:

The communication about the management of meetings as well as circulation of agenda and minutes takes place online during the pandemic majority of the meetings took place online through virtual meeting/conferencing tool like Cisco Webex, Google Meet, Zoom Meeting etc. University makes all the kinds of collection of fee from learners and payments to all the stakeholders of the university are online. Further, purchase of any kind of product or services are made online through GEM portal only, if the required product or services are not available online then it is procured through e-tender.

Governance in Recruitment and Human Resource Services:

University invites all the applications for the teaching and non-teaching post through its recruitment portal. In order to ensure the smooth tracking of the presence and the academic data related to all the staff members of the university, it uses indigenously developed Human Resource Information System. It contains information about academic growth of the staff members and it is expected to be a very handy system at the time of handling the issues related to performance appraisal for CAS, etc

Governance in Finance and Accounts related matter:

All the functions related to accounting and bookkeeping are done using Tally ERP since 2014. For this purpose university has subscribed to licence of Tally ERP and it is being renewed regularly

Governance in Learner Support Services:

The process of admission and re-registration (registration in subsequent semester/year of a programme) has been made online. Learners can download their confirmation letter, learners’ identity card and all the other required documents from the portal. The university used “Eklavya – Student Support Portal” which is available on university website which helps the learners to track their registration, study material dispatch, library, hall-ticket, exam schedules, results, grade card status, download section for assignments, e-resources etc.

Governance in Examination Management System:

All the services related to examination for the learners and other stakeholders of the University are totally online beginning with filling of examination form, downloading of hall ticket, evaluation of answer sheets, preparation of date-sheets for the declaration of results, declaration of results, availability of statement of marks, applying for the degree certificates and transcripts is ensured online. It has been extended to online verification of degrees and other documents. Finally, the data is uploaded on the NAD/Digi Locker portal to make it safe and easily accessible. The Manual of Digitization of examination system contains the detailed information about it.

Governance in Management of RCs and LSCs:

University has developed a portal for the RCs and LSCs. It helps the university to maintain continuous monitoring of RCs and LSCs. All the ICT facilities and ITES have been given by the University to all the RCs and the LSCs are expected to have their own ICT facilities (it is ensured at the time of approval of any LSC by University). All the staff members of the RCs and LSCs are provided proper training for the effective use of this portal. 

 Governance in Office Management: All the functions related to office management are either intranet based or internet based. It ensures smooth management of the office functions of the University.

 Technology enabled Learner Support:

The University has always put emphasis on developing technology enabled learner support services for the benefit of the learners.

 University has taken following initiatives regarding technology enabled learner support services:

 §  The process of admission, re-registration (registration in subsequent semester/year of a programme), material distribution and examination related services has been made online. Learners can download their confirmation letter, learners’ identity card and all the other required documents from the portal. The university used “Eklavya – Student Support Portal” which is available on university website which helps the learners to track their registration, study material dispatch, library, filling examination form, hall-ticket, exam schedules, results, grade card status, download section for assignments, e-resources etc.

§  University has setup automated interactive voice response system through which learners are being directed to specific department so that he may address the query to the respective department.

§  The University has established dedicated online and offline helpdesk for the learners, for which university has indigenously developed web portal “Eklavya – Learner Support Portal” addressing the learners’ query and providing all the required information for the learner.

§  App based support: University has developed and hosted Mobile Applications to provide all the necessary information to the learners and other stakeholders on his/her figure tip.

§  Chat Box and Email Support: The website of the university is equipped with the chat box where in learner can ask his/her queries which is answered by the automated system. University has setup department specific email-ids and published on to the helpdesk/contact section of the university website. Learners can write to these email ids to get the resolution of any of his queries. The officer in-charge of the concern department replies to the learners’ query.

§  Counseling Support: Along with face-to-face counseling, the learners are given counseling through various technical aids like interactive radio counseling through Swadhyay Radio, Swadhyay TV, Tele-Conferencing, Video-Conferencing through Cisco Webex, Zoom, Google Meet etc. digital o the learners are given to

§  Digital Learning Resources: The learning resources are made available through digital repositories like eSLM Section, OMKAR, OMKARe, Swadhyay TV, Swadhyay Radio and BAOU-OER repository etc. The learners can also watch the live and recorded video programmes through the dedicated educational free-to-air channel of the university Vande Gujarat Channel No. 16.

§  Social Media: University has made its significant presence on renowned social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram and Whatsapp. University’s general notification to the learners and all the stakeholders are posted on to these social media platforms. All the major pre-admission counseling sessions, academic counseling sessions are being broadcasted through Facebook and YouTube.

 Penetration into Remote and TribalAreas:

Since the inception of the University it has set a mission to “Reaching out to learners leaving in rural/remote areas in the State;” hence university has established a network of RCs and LSCs in rural areas, geographically remote and disadvantaged locations such as Arvalli, Dahod, Chhotaudepur, Kutch, Dang, Banaskantha and other hilly regions, and tribal and coastal areas.

University has established 7 Regional Centres out of which 03 regions are in boarder and tribal areas out of total 266 Learner Support Centres 60% are in rural areas out of which 25% are in tribal, hilly and coastal areas. University has focused attention on the educational development of the regions of hilly, tribal and coastal areas.

Establishment of LSCs in difficult geographical locations such as Vedchi, Dharampur, Amirgadh, Ambaji, Mangrol etc. The University has opened special LSCs which are earmarked for tribal population. University has also set-up examination centres in remote, tribal and disadvantaged areas to facilitate learners.

Efforts are also made to equip these centres by providing computers and audio-visual aids to make learning more accessible to the learners. The University has 56% of the total learners from various disadvantaged groups such as ST/SC/OBC/Tea Tribe. Besides, 40% of the total enrolment is women.

 Modern Infrastructure Facilities

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University has magnificent a State-of-the-art Infrastructure that fosters academic excellence, which is comparable to the best in the country.

 major infrastructure and facilities for use of modern state of art pedagogies are outlined below:

 Class rooms: Adequate Classrooms and Tutorial rooms which are centrally air-conditioned with multi-media projector/interactive board facilities.

Computer Laboratories: University has Four (04) Computer Laboratories to facilitate various services to the Learners. It consist of high-end HP Brand desktop computers with configuration of Intel Core i7 6th Generation Processor, 2 TB HDD, 8 GB RAM, 21” LED Screen. It consist of 75” Interactive Display Panel to provide live and interactive session to the learners.

Language Laboratory: University has a technology enabled language lab, it consists of software for the language lab and all the latest hardware equipment. It is used for teaching-learning Indian and Foreign languages.

Data Centre, Computing and Network Infrastructure and facilities: latest Computing and Network infrastructure (hardware and software) for hosting and access of various Online Systems/Services; Dedicated servers and data management system; Adequate Internet Bandwidth for access of Digital Resources; Multiple Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to ensure round-the-clock availability of Internet; and facilities like Wired and Wireless Internet Connectivity; Unlimited E-mailing; ERP Back Office, Availability of Digital SLMs through eResorces, OMKAR and OMKAR-e etc.;

Latest End-user IT Infrastructure such as Computers, Printers and other Peripheral devices connected with Intranet and Internet, for all teachers/academics/administrative staff;

 Dedicated infrastructure at the Centre for Online Education for developing and hosting MOOCs and online programmes/courses; It has multimedia lab for developing multimedia e-content (audio, video, animations, graphics etc.) and Swadhyay TV/Swadhyay Radio and SWAYAM/SWAYAMPRABHA content. COE also has an IT equipped seminar hall cum computer lab with seating capacity of 70 persons.

 “Chaitanya” - Electronic Media Production Centre has state-of-art video and audio studio, with high-end electronic equipment for production of audio/video programmes, non-linear editing suites for production of multimedia components of the courseware; hardware and facilities for interactive transmissions through Radio, Television and Web-based IRC, Teleconferencing and Vande Gujarat Educational Channel; The MOOCs for various programmes and courses are developed in the “Chaitanya Studio”.

 Library: The University has a fully air-conditioned and automated Central Library, well-equipped with books, journals, reports, theses, BAOU archives, other study material and e-resources in diverse disciplines with remote login facility to authorized users. It has designated reading areas for research scholars and other learners as well as visiting faculties. The office of the Librarian and other staff is equipped with furniture and office equipment. University library is equipped with SOUL – The Library and Information Management System, it is also equipped with DSpace, DELNET, e-Shodhsindhu, Sodhganga and OPAC.

 “Kashyap” Auditorium (Convention Centre): University has multipurpose auditorium with the seating capacity of 810 participants with a huge stage, multipurpose lighting facility, high-end multimedia & sound facility, two green rooms with attached washrooms, Audio-Video & Light Control room, Foyer with registration desk, Display area, a VIP lounge; office rooms and common washrooms.

 Amenities for Differently Abled Learners: University is running Centre for Equal Opportunities and Inclusive Education (COEIE) – Atri, hence it is committed to provide learning opportunities to all the kinds of people.

 Warehouses: University has two warehouses of area XXX square meter for stocking the printed study material.

 Modern modular ergonomic furniture to create conducive work environment and enhance employee productivity; Green and environment-friendly campus with adequate amenities for people with special needs. University has uninterrupted power supply;

 The beautiful campus with green and energy efficient building structure is full of calm and quiet making it ideal for studies. With enough parking spaces for Faculty, Staff and Visitors’ vehicles. Further, walkway to various departments makes it more users friendly.

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