5.1.2: Pre-admission Counseling Services

Pre-admission Counseling Services 

Activities undertaken by the Institution for providing pre-admission counseling services to prospective learners and induction of newly enrolled learners at Institution Headquarters, Regional Centers and Learner Support Centers 

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The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) education system is unfamiliar education system for those who have studied in the conventional system. The prospective learners including first generation learners, housewives, and dropouts require information about the ODL system as well as pre-admission counselling and post-admission support. 

To provide solution to it these requirements, the University has put in place a formal system for pre-admission counselling and post-admission induction of newly enrolled learners.

Pre-admission counseling service is provided by the University designed to motivate and help the potential learners to mentally prepare themselves for enrolling themselves in the University by informing them of the programmes of offer, admission procedure, eligibility criteria, philosophy of the ODL system and other relevant matters.

Pre-Admission Counselling at Headquarters/Regional Centres: 

Learner Services Centre/ Inquiry Counter: 

University has setup dedicated Learner Service Centre/Inquiry Centre at University Headquarters and Regional Centres which is being managed by Learner Support Service Division (LSSD) of the university for online and offline resolution of learners’ queries communicated in person or through email, phone and letters, etc. 

This dedicated Learner Support Student Service Centre (SSC) provides information and attends to all queries of the prospective learners as well as the general public, pertaining to the University and its academic programmes, through email, telephone, post and in person. Prospective learners are counselled about the programmes that would meet their needs and life goals, eligibility criteria for admission, methodology of teaching-learning, three-tier system of learner support services, examination system, etc. Programme Coordinators and Faculty in Schools of Studies also counsel interested prospective learners about respective programmes.

At Learner Support Centres: 

One of the major activities of LSCs is to provide admission related information

and guidance to prospective learners. Admission Inquiry Counter are setup at LSCs, especially during the time of admission. Respective RCs organize meetings of LSC functionaries to ensure that every LSC under its jurisdiction is equipped to provide requisite information and counselling to prospective learners. The activities of pre-admission counselling conducted at LSCs are closely monitored by the RCs.

The following activities are undertaken for providing pre-admission counselling services to prospective learners and induction of newly enrolled learners at Headquarters, Regional Centres and Learner Support Centres of the University:

Activities under Pre-admission Counseling: 

The following activities are carried out by the University under pre-admission counseling.

  • Pre-admission counseling sessions have been carried out by conducting live events on various social media platforms.

  • Pre-admission counseling activities are conducted through dedicated Facebook group/WhatsApp groups/Telegram groups where University faculties and officials mobilize potential learners by broadcasting pre-recorded videos or designed banners related to various programmes.

  • Pre-admission counselling events are organized by various Regional Centres. People from local communities from diverse socio-economic backgrounds take part into these events.

  • Pre-admission counselling sessions are also conducted at Learner Support Centres where there are special counters to cater to potential learners.

  • Pre-Counselling service is provided at the Front Desk of the University headquarters. During the time of admission, University personnel are deputed at the Front Desk to cater to potential learners who come seeking information and to assist newly enrolled learners with respect to the online admission process.

  • Dedicated email service “admission.info@baou.edu.in” for learners where potential learners could send emails seeking information relating to the various programmes on offer, etc.

  • Special counselling through live phone-in programmes aired over Vande Gujarat a dedicated educational channel, various social media platforms wherein faculty members and officials of the University take part and interact directly with members of the general audience and thereby trying to motivate them to enroll themselves into the various programmes on offer.

  • Special counselling through local TV channels where faculty members and officials of the University take part in dedicated live shows and share relevant information for prospective learners.

  • The University faculty members also receive and respond to queries from potential learners over phone and in person and share relevant information with them and advise them accordingly.

Pre-Admission Induction Programmes for newly enrolled learners:

Induction Programmes for the learners are organized by the University largely at two levels — University Headquarters and Learner Support Centres. The purpose of such induction programme is to enlighten the learners regarding various aspects relating to the ODL system in general and the University in particular. Both faculty members and officials of the University participate in such induction programmes as resource persons who try to enlighten the learners on their respective programmes and other relevant issues. 

The University has been organizing Learner Induction programmes covering Learner Support Centres of different regions and districts of the State. The induction programmes are coordinated by the Director, Learner Support Service Division. 

Points covered in the Induction Programmes

  • The general philosophy and methodology of the ODL system.

  • A brief background of the University and its mission, the statutory status of the University. 

  • The significance of the Self-Learning Materials (SLMs), aspects relating to the style and structure of the SLMs, their special style of writing, how to actually go through them and prepare themselves for the term-end examination.

  • Maximum duration of the various programmes, timelines for submission and collection of assignments.

  • Information about the procedure, rules and regulations of examinations.

  • Learner Support Services at the Learner Support Centres including holding of counselling sessions at the Learner Support Centres.

  • Information regarding online and walk-in counselling sessions that are being organized from the major City Centres.

  • Information about the Telegram and WhatsApp mentoring groups that have been opened for each subject and also for various Learner Support Centres which are taken care of by individual faculty members at the city campus.

  • Rules regarding preparation and submission of dissertations.

  • Introducing the Learners’ Charter of Rights and Duties to the newly enrolled learners and making them aware of the grievance redressal system which has been put in place by the University to ensure accountability.

  • The learners are also urged to regularly check and explore the University’s official website https://baou.edu.in/ for updates and necessary information

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