2.5.1: Process of conduct of Term-end examination

Process of conduct of Term End Examination and efforts done for fair and smooth conduct of the examination

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The examination system of the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University is transparent, efficient, and strictly followed as per the Ordinance on Conduct of Examinations. University provides lots of space to its learners to study at home and take exams as per their convenience. Examinations for various courses run by the university are held twice a year in June-July and December-January. The examination schedule is arranged in a simple and inclusive manner and at the time of filling examination form the detailed schedule of the examination is published on the university website so the learners can opt the courses they want to take for the examination. In this manner the entire examination process can be completed in a minimum time period.


University has devised the proven process for conducting the examination for the ODL System. Under the guidance of the university authorities, various operations have been further strengthened by the examination department with a focus on making the entire examination process reliable, transparent and supportive. Important decisions have been made by the university keeping in view the interests of the university and the students who have some important and credible examinations.

The process of filling examination forms by the learners has been made compulsory. Hence university gets the perfect strength of learners for planning examinations and related activities. The admit cards for the examinee are prepared well in advance and made available on the university website. Further it is being sent to Learner Support Centers through email and message to download the admit card and is being sent to all the examinee well before the commencement of the examination.


University follows UGC-DEB Regulations - 2017 and subsequent amendments and regulations for the smooth conduction of examinations. Viz. Block size of 30 examinee per block, examination under CCTV Surveillance, qualified block supervisors. Observation and Monitoring process of examination but the observers and squad members deputed by the university.


The answer scripts of the examination from each examination centre are collected on a daily basis immediately after the completion of the examination of the day and are sent to the evaluation centre. The evaluation of the answer scripts commence on the very next day of completion of examination of individual course/paper. Hence the results of all the programmes are declared in a record time.

The University has constituted the Examination Committee to take various decisions related to the examination process and corresponding activities. The committee consists of Members from the Board of Management, Directors of some of the schools of studies, Controller of Examination, Assistant Registrar (Exam).

The entire system is divided into three parts so that the examination can be conducted smoothly in the Open University system.

Pre-examination Process:

During Examination Process:

Post Examination and result declaration process:


all these processes and operations have been made easy and flexible by making maximum use of technology.


Pre-examination Process:

Advertisements are published in the newspapers for filling the examination form as well as its detailed program of the examination is being published on the university website. Further, the communication related to the same is being sent to learners through SMS and Learner Support Centers through email and message.


University has prepared an exhaustive list of empaneled paper setters and evaluators by advertising the same in the newspaper. The process of drawing a question paper and evaluation of the transcript is being done using the above mentioned list.  


The computer department of the university has indigenously developed an ERP solution for the entire examination process. All the registered and eligible learners can view the examination form with all the required details simply by entering the enrolment number and date of birth. After verifying the details available on the portal the learner can submit the examination form on a single click. Thus, a simple and transparent process reduces the cost of examination and the work can be completed within the stipulated time limit.


The admit card contains the learner's complete information vid. personal information, photograph, signature, and courses opted which were filled by him / her at the time of admission, hence no fake/dummy learner can appear for the examination. The hall tickets can be downloaded by the student from the university website which saves time and money.


From July 2017, the proof reading of question papers of all the courses are carried out by the subject experts of the university before examination, so that the possibility of errors in the question papers can be avoided.


The examination department has prepared an exhaustive list of paper setters and evaluators and three sets of question papers per subject are prepared by different paper setters. A single question paper is randomly drawn by the authorized officers; hence the privacy of the examination is maintained.


During Examination Process:

The question papers for the examination are sent to the examination centers in high security seal polythene bags. Along with the bundle of question papers an empty high security polythene bag is also given to the examination centre.  In which the students’ answer sheets are returned to the university on the same day so that the possibility of malpractice is negligible.


Sealed bundles of question papers are sent to the examination centers in phases. So that the possibility of malpractice can be ruled out and the answer books of the completed papers can be returned safely.


At present, examination centers are allotted by the university only in government and grant-aided colleges. So that the examination can be planned smoothly. Observers are appointed on the basis of the number of examinees at all the examination centers. The question papers of the practical examination are sent to the examination centers by e-mail before 20 minutes of the commencement of the examination so that complete confidentiality regarding the examination can be maintained.

Post Examination and result declaration process:


The answer sheets of the learners are sent to the evaluators from the list of evaluators prepared by the examination department. Along with it, the evaluators are invited to the university campus for the evaluation of the answer sheets at central evaluation department   


Along with the learners’ barcode, another barcode of the evaluator of the answer sheet is affixed on the answer sheets after the completion of the evaluation of the answer sheet. The exact mapping of both above barcodes is done through the Examination ERP. Hence, the details of the learner's marks cannot be known by any employee associated with the department before announcing the results.


Both the barcodes affixed on the student's answer sheet are scanned and marks are entered in examination ERP. Marks entry is verified by another employee by scanning the barcode through the above examination ERP. Any kind of malpractice can be prevented and the whole process remains transparent.


The results of different programmes are being declared after verifying key parameters of the learners’ academic credit.


Finally the mark sheets of the learners who earned the required credits are prepared through examination ERP and it is being sent to learners through registered AD post.  

The important components of examination procedures are spelled out in a Manual specially developed for the purpose. It outlines the procedures and processes for the following:

  • Identification of paper setters, moderators and evaluators (internal and external)

  • Setting of Multiple sets of Question Papers 

  • Drawing of one question paper in the presence of officers of the University

  • Moderation of question papers

  • Notification of Date sheet , Registration for examination and eligibility

  • Allocation of Exam Centres to learners 

  • Issuance of hall tickets 

  • Appointment of Invigilators, Conduct of examinations

  • Examination attendance, Evaluation of answer books

  • Gracing mechanism as per ordinance

  • Compilation of Results 

  • Declaration of Results

  • Rechecking and Reassessment of Answer Books

  • Grievances

The University has adopted examination policies and procedures in such a way that they involve integration of IT at every stage with very minimal human intervention. The evaluation process starts immediately after the conduct of examinations in a planned and systematic manner to declare the results within 25 days

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Schedule of Term end examination of preceding academic year

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Manual/ Handbook for conduct of Term end examination

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Any other relevant informationView Document

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